Saturday, October 22, 2011

Church Street Bridal

Before you say "long time, no post" I know, I know.  Wedding season came and suddenly spare time became completely non existant.

BUT, over the course of that time, I stumbled upon a fantastic site - Church Street Bridal.

Church Street Bridal is an organization based out of Lynchburg, VA.  All purchases there support the YWCA, an organization that truly supports women.

Basically, big bridal stores, including Kleinfeld, donate dresses, veils, shoes, etc. to CSB, and they sell them at RIDICULOUS prices to you - we are talking $15,000 dresses for $400. 

Here are some of my favorites.

How about this pretty by Herve Lager?

Retail price? A mere $3,600.
CSB price? $400

Or this $8,300 Delicia can be yours for $650.


Retail: $15,400
CSB: $600

In additional to all the dresses, CSB also sells veils, shoes, headpieces, and other formal gowns.

These dresses are samples, so normal wear and tear is to be expected.  They are really great at mentioning any damages, and they are as upfront as possible.  You can visit them in person, or call and order over the phone.  They feature one dress per day on their blog,

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